A/M/O/K/ 651 :: Awakening :: Links :: Middle East Report |

- Arthur Koestler documents the Caucasian ancestry of Ashkenazim Jews.
- www.uruknet.info :: informazione dall'Iraq occupato - it - -6
- www.uruknet.info :: informazione dall'Iraq occupato - it - -6
- Use Of HAARP On Lebanese Civilians Confirmed
- 'Trophy' Video Exposes Private Security Contractors Shooting Up Iraqi Drivers
- The Fake 2001 Osama bin Laden Video Tape
- 'Trophy' Video Exposes Private Security Contractors Shooting Up Iraqi Drivers
- Signs of the Times - Alternative news for Thu, 22 Mar 2007
- Baghdad Burning
- Overthrow: America's Century of Regime Change from Hawaii to Iraq
- Israel killed 650 Palestinians in 2006 - Yahoo! News
- Israeli troops killed more than 650 Palestinians last year — half of them unarmed civilians including some 120 children — a threefold increase from 2005, a leading human rights group said Wednesday.
- Iraq: The Hidden War
- Overthrow: America's Century of Regime Change from Hawaii to Iraq
- IraqSlogger: Claim: Kidnapped US Soldiers Executed
- On IraqSlogger - Claim: Kidnapped US Soldiers Executed
- Uranium bombing in Iraq contaminates Europe : Indybay
- The president's real goal in Iraq
- Rorschach and Awe
- Story - Robot Air Attack Squadron Bound for Iraq - AOL News
- The U.S. military plans to send Reapers, or outsized "hunter-killer" drones outfitted with sophisticated missile technology, to the war-torn country in an effort to beef up attack operations.
- Shooting by Israeli soldier on film:The Israeli human rights group B'tselem has released video footage of what it says is a Palestinian detainee being shot at close range by an Israeli soldier.
- Mary Sparrowdancer, Rense.com :: from www.uruknet.info :: news from occupied Iraq - it
- The president's real goal in Iraq
- Uranium bombing in Iraq contaminates Europe : Indybay
- Land Warrior Proves Itself in Combat Ops
- Are New Weapons Being Used In Gaza and Lebanon?
- Signs of the Times News for Wed, 29 Aug 2007
- Suicide Bombings - A Favourite US Counter-Insurgency Tactic -- Signs of the Times News
- Pathocracy :: Disease
- George Monbiot: Behind the phosphorus clouds are war crimes within war crimes | Columnists | Guardian Unlimited
- New Weapon Cleared by Military for Use in Iraq Under Scrutiny
- Faulty Chips Could Cripple US Attack On Iran
- Have “designed-to-fail” microchips set up the United States military for a disastrous defeat in Bush’s looming showdown with Iran? Has a Wal-Mart mentality fatally undermined the U.S. war machine with microscopic flaws? This reporter has learned that the United States military communications, surveillance and weapons systems are using Chinese semiconductors that can be accidentally or purposefully deactivated by an electromagnetic pulse delivered at the start of a conflict. “It’s a 50-50 coin toss whether you have bad material,” an army technician recently told two U.S. military intelligence agents. “There’s no way to identify which ones are and which ones are not the problem children. You won’t know until you roll.” READ MORE HERE
- Making a killing: how private armies became a $120bn global industry.
- The new Auschwitz: In addition to a bumper opium harvest, the US is reaping the whirlwind in Afghanistan, warns Eric Walberg