Tintin, Spirou, Lieutenant Blueberry, Pilote, Fluide Glacial, Metal Hurlant, Hara-Kiri (wait, I did hyperlink all these!!).
Archie Cash, who drew fantastic women. Natasha, my airline stewardess with curves. Munoz & Sampayo, Gimenez, Frankin. Alan Moore. Lucky Luke...
You name it. I would read it. Dream about it. Work my butt off for the next issue.
I even managed to find Heavy Metal, the first 8 issues, back in Lumumbashi, Katanga State, what was then Zaire.
Then I discovered I could write.
So I wrote.
Some of my stuff even won awards.
Once, I merged comics with writing: UQAM, 1981.
See, I was terrified of Accounting. So me, the Basha Borthers from Dawson College, and a friend whose name I've lost would watch the Flinstones and discuss comic books.
That's when we discovered Shatter, Issue #2.

by Peter B. Gillis and Mike Saenz
156 Black & White Pages for $14.85
From AIT/PlanetLar this July
The first ever digitally created comic book, SHATTER's beautiful dot-matrix art was drawn on a first-generation Macintosh which, for you tech junkies out there, boasted a mere 128 KB of RAM. Long before wacom tablets were invented Saenz' work was the painstaking result of the click-by-agonizing-click of the mouse. And it was through SHATTER's innovations in technique and software that forever changed the way comic creators, publishers, and readers looked at how comics could be made.
Download and enjoy a 30 page preview here. |
After some beers we committed to win access to UQAM'S Telematique's Macintoshes and create our own Shatter.
At that time, UQAM's Telematique Dept had one Lisa and 3 Apple II computers. And 6 Macintoshes 512.
So we - I - went to their Big Honcho, who's name I totally forgot. And he said yes. Bless him. Bless him. I was then too arrogant to be grateful. Hombre, thank you.
Over 1 month, we produced 23 pages of drawings and comics that were displayed at the First Interactive Arts Exhibit titled "Images Du Futur" in Montreal, Old Port, 1985.
We had MacPaint, Finder, System and the graphics fit in a 512 kilobytes floppy disk.
That's how it more or less started.
Since 1999 I've learned a new craft: screenwriting.
And I love it.
And since 2002, in order to become a better story teller, I've learned filmmaking.
And I love it. I just love it.
Bring it on. |