Men Without Shadow
A.M.O.K. :: 651
Target Unlocked
Belching Dragon
You're Next
Works in progress
Projects Wanted
Screenwriting Links
Pen For Hire

Target Unlocked :: Background
It started with 911:    
Really? With a knife?  Muslims Suspend Laws of Physics! Martial Law 9/11: Rise of the Police State (Alex Jones)
I wrote "You're Next"    
I already had Berserker 651:: Awakening in progress

And Michaelin came in the picture. We had met at VFS.

So we worked our butts off for 3 years.

We first had a 911 version, since this incident is also a main character.

Then we had a TV version, where all TV screens would only show... blank pixels.

Really spooky.

Readers couldn't stand reading it.

Third version: no TV. No 911. Boy did the script read well and fast. And amusing.

Except, we couldn't explain why our main characters suddenly changed.

Present version is back to 911.

Wanna see? Wanna see? Email Michaelin.





® 2006 Synchronium Consulting Group Vancouver British Columbia Canada