Men Without Shadow
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Mermaid. Shaman. Missionary.   Reptilian. Sometimes, healing can be Hell.Men Without Shadow :: WOW Factors

It is the first movie I know built (beats, acts and scenes) upon 2 tarot decks
Marika and earlier trauma
Jean-Baptiste grows up
Hurricane, Hurricane

The Osho Zen deck has been with me for 12 years

Jacquarel Kachou the mermaid

The New Orleans Voodoo tarot deck : 7 years

You hear Whale all along the movie. Live.

You hear Whale from credits to credits. Live.

Some scenes have pauses reserved to the songs of a pod of orcas.

You can hear them now as you go through the story.

One channel for the sacred. Satellite Channel. Internet Channel.

For your movie theater. Your DVD. Your coffee house. Your daycare. Your school.

Operated by the United Nations. Dedicated to the human race and a pod of orca whales.

Every time, a unique experience.

It is the first movie the whole planet can jam to.

Now that the Whale channel is locked, realize that the rest of the score is free.

Go for the original soundtrack. Better yet, choose the one you want. From whoever band or musician you want.It will stream while you watch.

Every time, a unique experience.

Now, what if you could actually jam with the rest of the planet? Share music live for as long as you want, on the channel that you want?




® 2006 Synchronium Consulting Group Vancouver British Columbia Canada