Cesar Hidalgo at the University of Notre Dame and his partners studied how movie marketing interacts with word of mouth reviews and box-office success. Their theory was that movies that were marketed heavily but weren't actually very good would show strong initial sales but would drop off quickly when word got out about a film's qsuality. They also asked if sales for quietly released films that were actually good would grow as word spread. They tested the theoretical model against actual box-office revenue and found that their theory held true, and that the model could be used to predict future successes.
Four Fascinating Case Studies: Take a look at these interesting case studies that were originally presented at AD:TECH in San Francisco. Download the presentations to learn how Microsoft created buzz for Halo 2, how Rodan+Fields got customers to reach out to friends, how Rock Bottom Brewery learned who their active promoters are, and how Disney spread the word on a new movie.