White, Earlys 30s.
in a converted school bus somewhere in the Okanagans with his Philipino
girl friend Strawberry and his tribe of treeplanters, Rainbow children,
hippies and hackers.
He plays
drums and computers. Reveres Chomsky and Wade
Davis. Gets fits of rage and sadness every time he's among subhumans.
Glen and his buddies concoct
a potent hallucinogenic. Glen himself plants the fake rootbeer in the cafeteria of the Vancouver
Police, right during lunch hour.
Glen now hides in Haiti, Voodland, posing as a missionnary he befriended.
He just landed his own church in Fonds Des Neges. And he's landed in the middle of a sacred wake.
Black, Mid 40s, Bona Fide Voodoo Shaman. Freshly
in charge of the material, emotional and spiritual health of his commune,
now that his father's decided to pass away.
He must
zombify Jean Baptiste, a neighborhood kid who nows supervises one
of the many Cocaine labs growing all over the countryside.
And Jean-Baptiste is protected by a nasty right hand sorcerer.
As if
having to love an homesick White
American wife wasn't enough. Marika wants to go home NOW and she wants to take Benedict back with her.
As if
having to fight an hurricane from passing through Cuba wasn't enough.
Now this
honky's trying to steal the heart of his high priestess. His lover. Don't
piss the shaman off.
White, Mid 40s, Police SWAT Team Leader.
The guy
who drank the first glass of spiked rootbeer.
2 hours later, Skid
Row burned down. Full
scale riot, one way riot, better than rehearsal.
Skid Row burned down and Lundquist's soul with it.
He now has to
live with the consequences.
But first,
he wants revenge.
Kachou Desinor
Black, Mid 40s,
Bona Fide Voodoo Mambo / high priestess, equal
to Jacquarel in the care of Ersulie Freda's temple.
to Glen and Jacquarel.
Godmother to Benedict.
Jaded rival to Marika.
Jones Delva
White, Mid 30s, American
this place is a monster shithole.
she missses modern US city life.
she wants a healthy place for raising her daughter.
she's got buttons huge like trampolines.
No, she
won't share Jacquarel.
Metis, 12 years old.
at ease in this Third World paradise.
want to see Jacquarel and Marola separate.
try anything to get her mother healed. Including a few magic tricks she learned from her Dad and Kachou.
And maybe the new White priest can help.
Black, early 30s. Leads
the cocaine lab operation inside Jacquarel's territory. Just lost his wife in a gang war. Is protected
by Iscariote.
for redemption among cocaine lines and UZIs. Finally
finds it.
Black, Mid 40s, Sorcerer
The right hand sorcerer
who protects Jean Baptist.
The man
who serves a Reptilian. Who delivers
20, 30 thousand deaths a year.
The one who kills Jacquarel's mentor in a magical rooster fight. The one who uncovers
the DEA agent. The one who dares harass
Kachou. Who challenges Jacquarel to the ultimate duel.